Buying His Bride (The Donovan Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Read online

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  “Grant told me you were involved with his son when you were both in college. He said you used William as a stepping stone to get to him and a lucrative internship. You wanted to land a cushy position in their firm by sleeping with both of them.”

  There it was. The other shoe had dropped. Grant had ruined her reputation at his company years ago, and now he was following through with his threat to smear her name all over again. And with it, the Donovan name as well.

  “A real opportunist and tramp, is that it?”

  “That’s what Grant says.” Lydia’s eyes narrowed. “According to him, when they tossed you out, you moved on. Now you’ve popped up in Michael’s life, you seem to have landed on your feet. Grant and his son figure you’ve moved from the relatively small time of their firm years ago into the big time by hoodwinking Michael and marrying into DEI.”

  “And you believe them, of course.” Sierra fought back a wave of anger so intense it made her nausea fade. “Since you and I first met at our engagement party, you’ve seemed determined to dislike me, with or without any real grounds.”

  Lydia shrugged. “The Townsends are envious, competitive men. Grant’s ego is easily damaged, so he might be lying. I’m not stupid. But a lot of women have pursued Michael for his money. I’ve known him a long time. He’s not fond of women who want him only for his wealth, you know. On general principle and also because of his mother. He doesn’t like liars, either. If I had reason to believe you were like Carol in any way, I’d blow the whistle on you. I wouldn’t want him to be fooled. Or hurt.”

  “It seems to me you feel pretty possessive of Michael. Are you in love with him? Jealous of me?” She had to know.

  Not that Lydia had any reason to be jealous.

  To her surprise, Lydia replied, “Yes, I think I was in love with him at one time in my life. I was jealous of you when we met. You see, Michael’s family and mine go way back, and when he and I were younger, we saw a lot of each other. I suppose I fell in love with him a little.” She smiled and a cynical expression crossed her face. “It was a long time ago, and I got over him. He treated me mostly as if I were a little sister. But sometimes it’s been difficult to see him with other women.”

  She continued with an honesty Sierra didn’t anticipate. “When I saw you two at the cocktail party at the Donovans’ house, I was surprised. I’d never seen Michael that eager for a woman. I suppose, in view of our long-standing association and the relationship between our families, I was hurt that he hadn’t shared his engagement ahead of time.”

  Sierra had to hand it to Lydia. She was revealing herself in ways she would never have expected. She admired the woman’s honesty. But why the change?

  “What’s your point in telling me all this now?”

  “Because, after thinking things over for a while, I realized whether I like it or not, Michael may have found a woman he can truly love. He’s been marriage-averse all his life. He was known for it. But if I really care about him—and I do, regardless of whether I used to be in love with him—then I have to want what’s best for him.”

  Sierra was ashamed. Would she have felt the same if their positions had been reversed? She wasn’t certain she could be that generous. She could never be that brave.

  “However,” continued Lydia, her tone sharpening, “Grant’s account of you doesn’t fill me with confidence that you’re the right woman for Michael. Maybe you’re like all the others who’ve flocked around him over the years, wanting him for his social status and money.” She gave Sierra a glacial look. “If that’s true, you can be sure I’ll do everything in my power to break up the two of you.”

  Sierra was exhausted. Tired of the deceptions she and Michael had put their friends and associates through. There wasn’t a lot of time left to their deal. What harm could it do to tell the other woman the truth now? If she didn’t, Lydia was likely to believe Grant’s version of reality and go straight to Michael with it.

  She couldn’t bear that.

  Taking a deep breath, Sierra rolled her shoulders, trying to dispel the tension she felt. “Lydia, things aren’t like that between Michael and me. You don’t have to worry about him. We married each other for business reasons, and I’m not taking advantage of him.”

  A sound in the front hallway distracted her for a moment, but Lydia’s gaze quickly brought her back to the present. Sierra continued. “I’m not the money-hungry woman or slut Grant Townsend makes me out to be. In fact, he and his son used my naiveté against me when I was in college. William slept with me to add another notch to his belt, and Grant figured he’d pick up where his son left off in exchange for giving me an internship. William and I broke up when he slept around, and I quit immediately. It all happened a long time ago.” She took a sip of her wine and looked Lydia directly in the eye. “You can believe me or not, as you choose.”

  The other woman stared at her for what seemed like forever and Sierra wasn’t sure what she was thinking. Then, to her relief, Lydia observed, “The Townsends have a great travel company, but I’m not impressed with their ethics. I think I believe that part of your story.”

  Sierra relaxed a little but kept up her guard. “Thank you. Which part don’t you believe?”

  “I’ve seen you and Michael together. You and he may he entered into marriage as a business deal, but neither of you is a professional actor. I don’t think you can fake the kind of chemistry the two of you share.”

  Sierra cursed the heat that suffused her face. No point denying it. Lydia first encountered them with Michael’s hand up her skirt, after all. “That doesn’t mean anything. Basic biology, nothing more.”

  “Hmm.” Lydia sipped her wine. “Maybe. Maybe not. My instincts tell me something is different this time around.”

  “Well, your instincts are wrong,” Sierra said. Her tone was flat.

  How she wished Lydia were right. That Michael cared for her beyond the terms of their contract. That he might share a fraction of the feelings she felt for him. But even then, she knew that her problems wouldn’t be solved. She was simply too afraid to take a risk, to trust herself or Michael. She’d botched the whole situation.

  “I don’t think so,” Lydia said. “I’ve been there, after all. I see the expression on your face when you talk about him. You’re not just attracted to him. You’re in love with him.” She paused. “What’s more, he’s a fool if he doesn’t recognize that for the gift it is, take it, and run. His mother notwithstanding.”

  Sierra fought back tears. “I wish it were as simple as that.”

  She heard a step in the hallway and turned to find Michael, bearing a suit bag and briefcase, standing in the doorway of the living room. His face was bland.

  “Well, what interesting things one overhears when one comes home a night early.”

  Chapter Twelve

  For an endless moment Sierra froze. “What are you doing here?”

  He looked tired and a little worse for wear, but as usual, nothing could mar his dark good looks.

  “I caught an earlier flight from Paris.” He set down his bags and came into the living room.

  No kiss for the benefit of their guest. No display of happiness at being reunited after two weeks, even for the sake of appearances.

  “How long have you been standing there?” Sierra wondered how much he had overheard of their conversation.

  Michael ignored her question. “Hello, Lydia.” He raised a brow. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  The other woman stood to leave. “I was just paying a friendly visit, that’s all.” Her tone was light. “Sierra and I were getting to know each other, but since you’ve come back, I won’t stay. You two must want your privacy.” She put on her jacket and, after a second’s hesitation, gave Sierra an unexpected hug goodbye. “I didn’t expect to like you,” she whispered in her ear. “But somehow I do.” Then, turning to Michael as she picked up her purse, she said, “You and I have known each other a long time, haven’t we?”

  He nodded. />
  “I’m going to take advantage of the privilege of old friends and be frank.”

  He said nothing. Neither did Sierra.

  “You’re both fools if you believe that all you have between you is a contract marriage. Yes, she told me, as I have no doubt you overheard. If you both want to go ahead and stay in denial, that’s on you. But instead of wasting time dancing around the obvious, why don’t you have a talk like two grownups and clear the air?”

  Michael’s gaze shifted to Sierra who stared back at him.

  Neither noticed Lydia’s departure.

  “Why didn’t you call or text me to let me know you were coming home early?” It was the only thing Sierra could think to say.


  “Of course not. I just would have neatened up around here a little if I’d known.” She winced. The penthouse was immaculate. She grasped at straws. “How was your trip?”


  That was a non-starter.

  God, it was good to see him. She wanted to burst into tears, and she didn’t know if it was because of the stress of her conversation with Lydia, the two weeks that had gone by without laying eyes on him, or the tension she felt at Lydia’s parting words.

  “How have you been since I’ve been gone?” Michael studied her.

  Sierra swallowed her disappointment at the mundane question, though hers had been little better. If that’s how he wanted to play it, then fine.

  “Okay.” She aimed for casual. “Busy. You know. With work and the pub.” If he’d wanted to find out, he could have contacted her. But he hadn’t. Not once.

  “If anything, you look more stressed and tired than when I left.”

  “Thank you!” she snapped. “You don’t look so great yourself.”

  “As usual, we’re getting off to a great conversational start,” Michael’s tone was a little bitter. “Tell you what. Let’s talk about what Lydia said just now.” He paused. “Why don’t we begin with Grant Townsend?”

  Sierra’s heart sank and she fought off a wave of panic. He had overheard that part. They were about to have the conversation she’d worked hard to avoid for several months. She wasn’t ready.

  She swallowed hard. She was worn out by her own fear and angry with both herself and Grant for making her a prisoner of that fear. Maybe she should just tell Michael the truth now and get it over with. Let the chips fall where they may. No matter what happened, it couldn’t be worse than living in perpetual dread.

  Lydia had believed her word over Grant’s. Maybe there was a small chance Michael would too.

  Even if he didn’t, Sierra was sick to death of feeling immobilized by her own anxiety. It was no way for a grown woman to live.

  Michael watched her. “It’s fight or flight time, Sierra. Which are you going to chose?”

  Somewhere in the penthouse a clock ticked.

  “All right,” she said with difficulty. “I’ll tell you about Grant.” She had to break through her dread of the past. If Lydia was right and there were something real and lasting between her and Michael, then she had to take a chance.

  Michael pressed further. “If you were willing to tell Lydia about him, why weren’t you willing to discuss him with me?”

  Was that hurt she heard in his voice? Sierra took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to steady her nerves. “We’ve never talked about our pasts. Grant and his son were an episode in my life I don’t like to revisit.”

  “Obviously. Why?”

  “Oh, come on. You overheard what I told Lydia. What do you expect? William was my first boyfriend. I thought he cared about me and that’s why he helped me. But no. He just did it to get me in bed. His father thought I’d sleep with him, too. It was humiliating, and I was a naïve idiot.”

  “That’s it? You were afraid I’d think you’d been naïve? What’s so awful about that? You were young. These kinds of things happen.”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s not all. In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m a first-class, grade-A emotional mess! At our wedding reception Grant threatened me. He said he’d tell you I was an opportunistic tramp and use it to smear your own family’s name. He’s a big-time businessman now with lots of San Francisco connections. He ruined my reputation at his company.” Her voice shook. “Given why you hired me, I figured it wouldn’t suit the image of the wife you wanted. Or that your family wanted for you. For all I knew, you might consider it grounds for annulling our arrangement. I’d already accepted a large sum of money from you. I could never afford to pay you back if that happened.”

  “So you thought I might renege on our agreement? You don’t have a very high opinion of me.” He didn’t sound angry. He sounded tired. Very tired.

  “Well, I didn’t know, did I?” Sierra tried to steady her voice. “You probably would have been within your legal grounds to do so.”

  Michael sighed. “Think back to our first meeting. I’d made it clear then I’d run background reports on the candidates for this damned bride position. Don’t you think the Townsend issue would have come up if it had mattered? The incident was so insignificant it didn’t even make it into the report. You’ve been living in fear this whole time over something that probably was no more than a piece of local office gossip.”

  Stung, she struck out. “It might seem like nothing to you in your world, but how was I to know that, given my own lack of experience? I never traveled in your world until several months ago. William and Grant did a lot of damage to me in mine, and I didn’t want them to do the same to yours.”

  Michael’s gaze softened. “I know they did. I realize that now. I just wish you’d felt you could have told me.”

  Again that pained note in his voice.

  He sighed again. “I’d hoped eventually you’d feel comfortable confiding in me about your past a little, that’s all. But you didn’t.” He shrugged and paced the room. “Furthermore, Townsend has an unsavory personal reputation around these parts. He doesn’t have the power to do the kind of damage to me or my family that he did to you.” Michael spoke not with arrogance but with utter self-confidence. “I’d never let him harm my family. Or you.”

  A sense of relief replaced Sierra’s dread. “Then you don’t believe the things he said? That I’m like Carol? That I sleep around for personal gain?”

  “You thought I might? Sierra, why the hell didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

  “I told you. I was afraid.” She didn’t look at him.

  “Of what?” he asked, frustration lacing his voice.

  “Of what you might think of me. Personally. Let’s face it; I did marry you for your money.”

  “Why would you care about what I thought of you?”

  She snuck a quick look. He was still, watchful.

  “Why, Sierra? You’ve made it clear we have nothing more than a contract that keeps us together. You’ve been looking forward to the end of it.”

  “I am. I was. That is…” A silence fell.

  “You know, I did overhear the tail end of your conversation with Lydia. What I heard interested me very much.”

  She stared at him.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me why?”

  She nodded.

  “Lydia told you she felt there was more between us than business.”

  “Yes.” It was difficult to read Michael’s expression.

  “The way I figure it, it doesn’t matter what Lydia feels.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “What does matter, Sierra?”

  It was now or never.

  She took her courage in her hands. “It matters what you and I feel.” She swallowed hard. “Trust matters.”

  “So can we agree that there’s more than just business between us?” He looked at her. “There’s desire, for instance.”

  Was that all? Sierra smothered her hurt and turned away. For a second she had dared to hope Michael felt something more for her. Lydia had known him a long time, but it didn’t mean the woman knew what
was in his heart or mind.

  “We agreed to ignore that,” she said.

  All at once he was angry, turning her to face him again. “No, Sierra. We didn’t. That was your brilliant idea, not mine, and it seems to me it was a damn poor one. Sex, at least, was one level on which we connected. But you didn’t even want that.”

  She hadn’t wanted it? She’d ached for it. Could he really be that obtuse? “That’s because it wasn’t part of our bargain. Sex just complicated things.”

  “Forget the damn bargain for one minute!” He raked a hand through his hair. “Tell me how it complicated things because I’m not seeing it.”

  She lost her temper and with it all thought of her pride. “Because I got emotionally involved with you, okay? Sue me!” She willed back tears. “And I’m really scared right now, so just cut me some slack.” She shook her head. “We never should have made this bargain in the first place.”

  Silence fell, and when she looked at him there was a glint in his eyes. He took a step toward her, and Sierra realized only then that he was nervous. The slight twitch at his temple gave him away. In a low voice he asked, “What are you scared of? Sometimes, if we’re really lucky, we actually get more than we bargain for.”

  She hardly dared hope the emotion in his voice was real. “Such as?” she whispered.

  He yanked her into his arms and kissed her with a depth of feeling she’d never known from him, and her heart pounded with hope. “Sierra,” he groaned, holding her in his arms. “Which one of us is going to say it first? What we feel for each other has gone unspoken long enough.”

  Feeling giddy, she looked into his face and saw what she’d wanted to see for months. The same feeling she had for him. She needed to be the one to say it first. Her fear had held her prisoner long enough. Taking a deep break, she said, “I love you. I love you so much it scares me to death.”

  “Thank God, because I think I’ve loved you since the day I splashed water on you.” He traced a string of sweet kisses along her jaw line until he arrived at her lips, covering them once again.